Coming Soon: MEWUSDT Perpetual Swap Listing with Up to 10x Leverage

April 03, 2024

A new listing – MEWUSDT – featuring MEW, the cat in a dog’s world token will be available to trade on BitMEX, with up to 10x leverage. MEWUSDT Contract SpecsMEWUSDT is a linear perpetual swap, margined in USDT. This allows users to gain exposure to the price of the cat in a dogs world token and trade it with leverage, without needing to have any MEW holdings. About MEW, the Cat in a Dog’s World TokenCat in a Dogs World (MEW), is one of the latest Solana-based meme tokens. You will be able to trade the MEWUSDT futures contract here, or refer to the full contract specs here.

The source of this news is from BitMEX