170 Wallets Now Support Unstoppable Domains: Announcing Phantom Wallet

May 24, 2023

We're elated to share that Phantom, the leading Solana wallet, has integrated Unstoppable Domains , marking the 170th wallet to support Unstoppable digital identities. By integrating Unstoppable Domains, Phantom users can now enjoy an even more seamless journey within the NFT universe. Because your Unstoppable Web3 domain is an NFT held in your wallet, you can view your domain directly within your Phantom account. "Unstoppable Domains is about making Web3 accessible, intuitive, and ultimately, unstoppable," said Sandy Carter, COO and Head of Business Development at Unstoppable Domains. Unstoppable Domains and Phantom, together, are simplifying the way users interact with NFTs and crypto.

The source of this news is from Unstoppable Domains